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Be-YOU-ty and the Bot: Empowering Young Learners with AI in the Beauty Industry


Introducing young minds to the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) is both exciting and essential. Recently, I developed an educational learning experience called Be-YOU-ty and the Bot, designed to immerse young scholars into the beauty industry using AI tools. This initiative guided students through discovering how algorithms are created and utilized in AI. The were afforded the opportunity to experiment with virtual fashion design, teaching machines, and the exploration of AI-driven skincare analysis.

The hands-on experience emphasized the importance of technology in the beauty industry, while encouraging critical thinking about AI's role in daily life and the ideas of bias and ethics. Throughout the Be-YOU-ty and the Bot module, scholars created digital portfolios showcasing their hairstyles and fashion designs, reinforcing their understanding of AI applications in the beauty industry. In the end they were challenged with creating their own AI prototype that just might make a big impact on the industry.

To capture this innovative learning experience, I compiled a video of what I created, highlighting their journey, filled with excitement and discovery below. Enjoy!

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